Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How to read/comment on a Blog:

Reading: If you want to start at the beginning, start at the bottom. The posts are added on top of one another, so the latest is always at the top. If you want to see a certain post and all the comments to it, click on it’s title from the listing on the left side of the screen.

Comments: To comment on a post, click on the “0 comments” or “X comments”. You will be taken to a window that allows you to read the other comments already made and to post your own. You can post anonymously and add your name in the comment. (That way, you don’t have to create an account on Blogger if you don’t choose to do so.) Alternatively, you can use a Blogger account you already have or create one for commenting. If you create an account, you will be asked to create a blog. You can do that, but your blog will not appear until you make the first post on it. (There is no requirement that you ever make any posts on your blog.)

Please keep in mind that this is a PUBLIC blog and anything you write (your name, phone numbers, email addresses and any personal information) is publicly available on the Internet. If you want to share something private with Jim and Lola, an email would be better.


Anonymous said...

Up at 3:15am today praying for you. . . praying you are all resting well this week. . . praying for a peaceful week for the surgeons, for their direction and your protection. Love, Wayne and Merry

Anonymous said...

My dear friend Jim

You know, I still refer to you in this way, even after 17 years of separation? So, you have now become a blog - not one of those ugly characters in a Tolkein story, but what? Is it an acronym?


My Utmost for His Highest is so good this morning - it made me think of you, again: "It is what God does through us that counts, not what we do for God." I believe you know you are in that place, and your public attitude shows it. Google "kidney cancer" and you get 44 million hits, but it only takes three pages to get to a blog. Lets fill this one with key words that will lead the broken googlers to a place where they, too, can find a way to lean on God.

Gotta go to work. Hearts must be measured before they can be fixed!

Anonymous said...

I am excited to pray for you and Lola today :-) Here are some of
scriptures that have helped me in
different situtations Psalm 112:7-
"He will have no fear of bad news,
his heart is steadfast,trusting
in the L-rd!
Jer 30:17- I will restore you to health & heal your wounds.

Psalm: 56:3-4-
" When I am afraid I will trust in you. In G-D whose word I praise . In G-D I trust I will not be afraid."

Isa 26:3- "You will keep perfect peace all who trust in you , who's thoughts are fixed on you."

No worries, my friend , I know you
have a great attitude and your focus in on the L-RD. Try not to give the doctors and nurses TOO hard of a time!! They all carry sharp objects!!!
praising Messiah!