Sunday, August 27, 2006

Where have I been?

This electronic journal is an attempt to keep everyone up to date on this unwanted but necessary journey through a Psalm 23 valley. It is my hope that through the thoughts shared here, by all, we can encourage each other whether we are in the valley or on either side.

Thank you to Sue Fredrick who came up with this idea and did the technical work. “A grateful mind, by owing owes not, but still pays, at once…” (John Milton) Thank's Sue.


1 comment:

sue frederick said...

It wasn't really my idea. I just listened to the "still, small voice" that tells me what to do for people. G-d is good and knows what we need.

I'm looking forward to watching this little seed grow in love and encouragement. Jim & Lola have given so much to so many people (including me). This is just a small way I can give back.