Thursday, December 18, 2008

Go West Young Man...

"One thing you can say about life is that it's constant". (Woody Allan) The constancy of life has the tendency to also be consuming. Please understand that being consumed by life is a strategy embraced by many, myself included. However, being consumed by it and having life consume you are two different concepts. I confess that while I subscribe to one I am the victim of the other. Life’s consumptive appetite is for time. It steals minute, than hours, than vast periods of time that seem to vanish without a trace. It was just yesterday that Lola & I shared the hospitality of Wayne and Merry Shervey in their Hopkins, MN home. We all had the connection of childhood which seems closer then history will admit and had a uniqueness of relationship being relatives and also friends. Great memories of fun and friendliness seem fresh but life, in its chariot of time, is hidden by memory which secretly compresses the distance between two points in time. What seems fresh is placed by history twenty years in the past.

The chariot can move pretty fast and provide little scenery unless you keep your eyes open for the scenic overlooks life has to offer. The moments, which almost seem to be outside of time, give a different perspective of where we’ve been and where we’re going. Imagine our delight to experience one of the scenic overlooks of life on a trip to visit the Shervey’s near Portland in their Canby Oregon home. Because memory folds time there was the perception of a mere skip in time like the bounce of a stylus and we were again connected. The hospitality and warm blending of soul and spirit enable us to be consumed by life and not worry so much about being consumed by it. When you lift your head above the blur of the journey you can see all the mountain tops.

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