Monday, March 16, 2009


I can remember when my parents had their 40th wedding anniversary. We had a little family thing where all the relatives got together and talked and ate and did what families do. Mom and Dad sat in two chairs at the end of the room and relatives reminisced about times they'd been together. To think that they had been married for what seemed like an eternity was an amazement almost unparalleled. But now when I look up the same two chairs are filled by Lola and Jim. Such an experience in time travel just by saying "I do" life has shot forward like the old reel to reel tape recorder on fast forward with jumbled words flying by almost recognizable but not quite. And so here we are after 40 years together still celebrating the "I do" of commitment not perfectly but good enough.

We're off to Italy! Arrivederci We'll post pictures here.

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