Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Digital Dismay

I am witnessing the death of broadcast television. It's not that I'm an avid watcher but it is an available form of entertainment and diversion is welcoming from time to time. Long ago tv was a credible form of journalism simply reporting the news and not making it. We have moved far beyond the antiquated ideology in this century of enlightenment. But now the final insult. It has been decided in some upper floor executive suite that in order to make our access to advertisements briefly interrupted by programming more fulfilling we need to have digital high definition television. Just imagine picture clear interpretation as if you were really there. No more snowy fuzzy car commercials telling us that tens of thousands of dollars is a reasonable price for a vehicle designed to last seven years. But now the world will change and it will be like standing there almost touching the product. So as a dutiful consumer I made the switch, the box, the tv, the antenna the whole works I got 'em. Instead of moving forward to a glorious utopian high definition heaven I've shuffled backward to a per kaleidoscope universe like some arthritic thumb flipping through the pages of a picture book. If this is progress I think it's gone on long enough. I'm going to read a book.

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