This idea of spending my life in my pajamas is grossly un-attended and should be given much more consideration. My characteristic slothfulness has been allowed to wallow around in a state of euphoria, in the shallow fog of waking or falling back to sleep, intent on one but always ready for the other. The very act of donning clothing signifies an unspoken undercurrent of intent to go and do…something. In my world it is much more difficult to definitively frame what “something” is, then to accept the charge of getting something done. So, logically, when this morning I was charged with the task to; “Get dressed,” until cognition captured consciousness, the very thought gave me pause. But as recollection triumphed over character, the realization of responsibility focused on what was happening today.
I don’t think that whoever named it “pathology” ever intended for it to have the connotation it obviously has. This “Surgical Pathology Report” does much more that crisply and distinctly delineates what has been found on this mysterious path, it also points to what’s ahead on the path. The surgeon asked if I’d seen the report to which I replied I had not been granted the required security clearance to know anything about what was happening inside my body. He then provided me with a verbal code book that allows me to provide some basic translation.
Final Pathologic Diagnosis (this is what was wrong); This was renal cell carcinoma (cancer on the kidney)
Procedure; right kidney, nephrectomy (they took out the kidney; though, in my opinion, generally “ectomys” are things to be avoided; this was a good one)
Prognosis; Tumor infiltrates through the renal capsule, with no extension into perirenal fat and no definitive lymphovascular, vascular, ureteral or soft tissue resection invasion. (They got it all.)
Prescription; Regular blood tests and/or x-ray initially on a 6 month schedule with no further treatment necessary. (go ahead, live the rest of your life)
The Doctor seemed much more concerned about my use of a cane to steady myself then the results of the pathology report. Upon using the cane to emphasize my point and assurance that his bruises would heal, he did concede to my position.
Though somewhat disappointed that I will have to abandon my pajama strategy in lieu of culturally accepted dress codes, the report was very well received and was appropriately celebrated with breakfast at Waffle House. Thanks again to all who have offered prayer and support. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Praise the Lord! I look forward to the day you are back to work, keeping me even busier than now. Sigh . . . Joe & Valerie Heiby
I don't have a definition for good news, but I know it when I see it... This is good news.
May your cane soon be only necessary for herding cats.
(thanks for the anniversary card)
Dear Friend,
Today for the first time, I enjoyed using the Medical Terminology that I so unwillingly took in college, while reading your pathology report. What fun! Praise the Lord - He is our Jehovah-Rophe! We will continue to lift you up in our prayers.
Buntin, Rachel and Kiddos
Shalom Jim and Lola,
Great news--Baruch Hashem! Jim's insightful navigation through the recovery process is almost as good to hear as the simple fact that he's getting better. We're praying for you both, and appreciate your prayers and support through Jane's recovery from similar afflictions.
May you have a sweet and prosperous New Year of 5767 in Messiah Yeshua.
With love,
Russ and Jane Resnik
What great news! Best wishes for a speedy recovery from Gary and Virginia of Minnesota.
I finally remembered about your meeting with the doctor on Tuesday and felt certain that since I hadn't received a prayer request, the news had to have been good. Bless the L-rd, it was! Thank you, Jim, for your faithful reflections and thanks to the L-rd of Creation who has given you (and all of us) such a great blessing in this news. What a great way to start the new year!
L'shanah tovah!
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